--- Alberto,
You paint a frightening picture.  Heinlein's heirs are
republishing his first (and awful!) novel this year. 
Some artists burn their manuscripts!


davd  (it was a mistake, now locked in stone!)

 Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Davd [where has the _i_ gone?] Brin wrote:
> >
> > Alas,  Life with 3 small kids (age 6,9,11)  --
> plus
> > many speeches and deadlines -- has left me with
> less
> > time for writing and a need to focus.  This is
> > frustrating.  I have seven lifespans worth of
> ideas
> > and the last year has been a complete loss,
> > fixtionwise... except for THE LIFE EATERS.
> >
> <serious>
> Don't forget to write everything you ever think, and
> let
> your kids know where you are storing this
> information.
> Tolkien left enough material for his son Christopher
> to publish 14 books, plus a series of dictionaries
> of his
> invented languages, and even a complete
> The-Hobbit-like
> children's story. Maybe there will be "David Brin"
> new
> material by 2104 :-)
> </serious>
> Alberto Monteiro
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* Please note.  My email address of many years is changing FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] TO 

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