On Tuesday 2004-01-27 19:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/27/2004 6:13:59 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
> 150M BxY: Social discord over redevelopment initiates Second Gronin
> Collapse. 
> Permanent loss of contact with two Galaxies. 
> [Four and Seven! Pay attention to the numbers.]
>  Four Galaxies remain in
> contact.
> > 60M BxY: A medium-scale time of troubles.  A zone of Ash forms in the
> > region
> > that includes Earth during the Fututhoon Wars.  The Twelve-Spin machine
> > clan
> >
> > is scapegoated and suppressed. On Earth, Dinosaurs die off and the age of
> > Mammals begins.
> You leave out the very important:
> 41M BxY: Rediscovery of transfer points to galaxies originally numbered
> Seven and Eleven, now renumbered Two and Four.
> Earth is in Galaxy Two which was Galaxy Seven, which was lost from 150M BxY
> to 41M BxY, which includes the height and end of the age of dinosaurs.
> There is no proof in the Galactic Library that the dinosaurs "died off."
> Maybe the Tarseuh will tell us what happened when they show up again.
> (Huh? But 600M BxY is when.....)
> William Taylor
> --------------------
> "Juras is mine."
>      --D. Brin (?)

Dear William:

I dont share your enthusiasm for this plot twist you say DB is planning.  In 
fact, given what I know about it the plot-twist seems more ugly than 'oh-so 
deligihtfully clever'.  

Indeed, if Andromeda and the Milky Way get severed from the main part of 
Galactic Civilization, it arguably makes Earth's "misplacement" not more 
plausible, but less so!  

My first literary option would be non-explaination.  The Highlander folks 
never tell us where the swords are sheathed and Brin will just avoid 
explaining how Earth got "lost".

My second choice would be a simple explanation.

1) about 2 billion years ago the GIM surveys Earth.  It (barely) has an O2 
atmosphere and its highest life-forms are algal mats.  Earth is a 
terraforming candidate.  Worse it is located in a terrible neigborhood.  
There are few transfer points, hyperspace is full of currents, and only lower 
levels are accessible.

2) Therefore, the GIM cannot find anyone who wants to lease Earth and it 
doesn't bother to survey the place again.

3) The GIM goes back and checks its records.  It runs some simulations.  Earth 
is not alone.  Galactics start to re-survey other planets like Earth.  They 
worry about an epidemic of wolflings.

Nevertheless, I will add more timeline points about the loss and rediscovery 
of Galaxies in the Sundering-Knitting cycle noting when the Milky Way is lost 
and re-discovered.

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