On Tuesday 2004-01-27 19:48, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> In a message dated 1/27/2004 6:13:59 PM US Mountain Standard Time,
> 150M BxY: Social discord over redevelopment initiates Second Gronin
> Collapse. 
> Permanent loss of contact with two Galaxies. 
> [Four and Seven! Pay attention to the numbers.]
>  Four Galaxies remain in
> contact.
> > 60M BxY: A medium-scale time of troubles.  A zone of Ash forms in the
> > region
> > that includes Earth during the Fututhoon Wars.  The Twelve-Spin machine
> > clan
> >
> > is scapegoated and suppressed. On Earth, Dinosaurs die off and the age of
> > Mammals begins.
> You leave out the very important:
> 41M BxY: Rediscovery of transfer points to galaxies originally numbered
> Seven and Eleven, now renumbered Two and Four.
> Earth is in Galaxy Two which was Galaxy Seven, which was lost from 150M BxY
> to 41M BxY, which includes the height and end of the age of dinosaurs.
> There is no proof in the Galactic Library that the dinosaurs "died off."
> Maybe the Tarseuh will tell us what happened when they show up again.
> (Huh? But 600M BxY is when.....)
> William Taylor
> --------------------

Also, when CA and GU2 seem to conflict, I am going to favor GU2.  (I have very 
mixed feeling about CA.)

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