John wrote:

You cannot plausibly hold both positions. If you hold to the opinions of your second paragraph, then these activities were just as reprehensible
under Clinton as under Bush, because it was still the breaking of a law,
even a bad law.

I'm arguing that the way laws are enforced, say immigration laws for instance, are influenced by the war on terrorism. Should we castigate Clinton and everyone before him ( and including Bush pre 9/11) because they didn't enforce the immigration laws as well as they are being enforced now?

I could make a cheap shot here about perjury, but I am
really trying to restrain myself.

Poor job. 8^)

It is not at all clear to me what the spirit of a law that provides an
exception for offshore subsidiaries is supposed to be.

The empty office in the Caymens? Haliburton's so called offshore subsidiary is a sham.

I guess that it could be sorted out in Court, but Clinton seemed strangely uninterested in pursuing these cases - isn't that just as reprehensible in your mind?

No. See above.

I honestly do not understand the connection between patriotist and
logistics contracts.    Out of curiosity, are you at all familiar with
standard practice in the awarding of military logisitics contracts?

No. But I am a little familiar with conflict of interest practices and I'd say that the Bush administration has a serious conflict of interest.

Can you speak at all as to how the contract awarded to Kellogg, Brown, and Root differed from established norms? Can you tell me whom you think that
no-bid contract awarded to KB&R should have been awarded to had it been
open to bid? If not, on what grounds are you basing your charges of

How would we know who would have been awarded a contract had there been bidding if there wasn't any bidding? Are you saying there is no one in the world capable of delivering gasoline (and the like) other than KB&R?

I'm basing my charge of hypocrisy on is the proclivity to charge one's political rivals of sympathizing with our enemies while looking the other way when it comes to one's friends whom are actually doing buisness with a country that one included as a memeber of the Axis of Evil.


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