> Well depend which gospel you read doesn't it?  They
> say different things.
>  Also where is the proof that this so-called Yeshua
> ever lived?

See Josephus _The Jewish Revolt_. Josephus was a jew
(IIRC a slave) of IIRC Valentinian who comissioned him
to write about the above topic. I think its a reliable
source as Josephus would have nothing to gain from it,
being both a Jew and a Roman slave. He additionally
wrote this a mere 30 to 40 years after the death of
Jesus, at a time when Christianity was not popular in
any way, shape or form.


> Nope.  But that is _not_ what the bible says. 
> That's what that whole
> original sin thing / jebus ransom is all about isn't
> it?  About dog
> punishing all of adams descendants for adams sins? 
> Just take a look at
> these verses: Ex 20:5-6; 34:7d

Again a literal interpretation. Try looking at it as
allegorical rather than literal, like Aesop's fables.
What do you think the message actually is? What
lession  is the author trying to teach?

Actually try thinking about it critically, rather than
quipping a hackneyed response.


Damon Agretto
"Qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum."
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