Dan wrote:

I guess it was the post-script about the evils of the Bush administration
that triggered my ironic sense. Since I've never called the Bush
administration evil, I can just differ with them on the practicality of
regime change; not the morality of it. The Fool's posting of this article
makes them sound, at worst,  like naive do-goodders. ;-)  Its ironic that
he undercuts his own point, Bush and company are evil; even as he
buttressed the argument that Iraq is a lot more difficult than the
optimistic hard liners could ever believe.

I thing naive do-gooders is the best face you could put on it, and frankly having people that are at best naive do-gooders at the helm at such a critical juncture continues to scare the living bejesus out of me. Bush continues to make decisions based not on the best information, but on what he wishes the best information was. This is apparent in the miscalculations in Iraq, and perhaps even more ominously, in his voodoo economics. See http://tinyurl.com/2vn5n for a recent discussion by Brad DeLong on the budget deficits.

What I find troubling is that there will, in all probability, not be a good plus-delta discussion on Iraq.

Here, you mean? Why not.

I was thinking about doing a yes-but to
Ritu's post  (hi Ritu) on Culture but as someone else point out, it's too
monocultural a place for that discussion to take place.

The question she put to Jack Straw? Perhaps we can get her to post a note about it here?

GCU If She's Feeling Better, Maybe...

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