Gautam wrote:

John wrote:

Its funny, but you sound just like Republicans did
in 1992.

Or the Democrats in 1928?

JDG - Just reverse a few key terms.

,ideas and circumstances.

Or like Karl Marx, actually. Enhancing the contradictions, isn't that what the Marxists called it? :-) Been a long time since I read any Marxist philosophy, and I will admit I didn't pay that much attention when I was supposed to be studying it...

It's interesting how you both have used ridicule to divert attention from the argument, having avoided addressing any of the pertinent questions. Why don't you address my fears by rebutting the information in the pieces Eric posted? To whit:

Why doesn't the Bush budget "factor in the future costs of keeping soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan: even Mr Bush's own budget director says costs could be as much as $50 billion for Iraq alone in 2005"

Why doesn't the Bush budget "think beyond the 2009 horizon"?

How does the Bush plan take into account the "demographic bulge as the baby-boom generation
reaches retirement"?

What will Bush do about the soaring costs of Medicare?

How do you answer the charge that "President George Bush's plan, set out this week in his budget, to halve the deficit over five years is based on unrealistic assumptions and fantasy accounting"?

What about the assessment that "Delaying the natural adjustment in the dollar and bond yields is likely to mean that, when the inevitable correction comes, it will be much more painful"?


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