From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Tom Beck wrote:
> >It's the word "marriage" that appears to have some mystical,
> >totemic meaning for some lamebrained lazyminded easily stampeded
> >credulous dolts (i.e., most of the American public).
> Well, add me to list of dolts then, Tom.  I find myself in that very boat;
I believe gays should have the right to official unions.  Hell, why
shouldn't *they* have to have the prospect of giving up half their stuff and
arguing over who gets the coffee table if they break up same as straight
people?  :)  Not to mention my sister is gay, and she and her girlfriend
have been together for some seven to eight years, and if that's what she
wants, that what I want for her.
> But the idea of calling it "marriage" does make me uncomfortable on some
vague level I can't really explain.  Product of my environment, I suppose.
If it makes me a dolt that 36 years of being told that marriage is between a
man and a woman isn't easy to just shrug off, so be it.

You say you can't explain why you feel that way... then doesn't that lend
you to think that your belief is likely an irrational one.  No offense
intended, but should we bend towards an irrational belief simply to make
holders of that irrational belief feel more comfortable or should we stand
firm in the belief that everyone should be treated equally?

> Jim
> Gay divorce is sure to follow Maru

Somehow, I don't think their divorce statistics will be any worse than those
of heterosexual marriages, but even if they are, so what?

Michael Harney


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