Erik Reuter wrote:
>Why should we care about your vague feeling?

Where did I say you should?

>What gives you the right to take your vague feeling of 
>uncomfortable that you can't explain and impose it on someone else? 

And when did I do that?

>What makes your vague feeling more important than someone else's 
>strong feeling that they can explain? How in the hell is your vague 
>feeling more important than rational, logical arguments that others 
>have made?

And where did I say it is?

And Michael Harney wrote:
>You say you can't explain why you feel that way... then doesn't 
>that lend you to think that your belief is likely an irrational 
>one. No offense intended, but should we bend towards an irrational 
>belief simply to make holders of that irrational belief feel more 
>comfortable or should we stand firm in the belief that everyone 
>should be treated equally?

I think I implied in my original post that I understood it wasn't rational.  Perhaps I 
wasn't direct enough.  And never did I say that others should bend to what I think.

>Somehow, I don't think their divorce statistics will be any worse 
>than those of heterosexual marriages, but even if they are, so what?

See, that signoff was called "humor," Michael.  I have no reason to think that gay 
divorce will be more or less likely, and I don't care either way.

Eric, Michael, I was ruminating on the idea of gay marriage, and where I stand.  I 
never once said, or even hinted, that if gay marriage came to a vote, especially an 
"all-or-nothing" prospect, that I would oppose it; I'm pretty certain I wouldn't.  

There are a number of laws and concepts that I don't heartily agree with that I also 
do not oppose, since I realize any difficulties with it are my problem.  A******* 
comes immediately to mind.  It's not something I think everyone ought to be doing in 
place of smarter alternatives, but I support the rights of others to do it.

Honestly, the fact that I don't *like* something doesn't mean automatically that I 
would stop others from doing it.  Place some weights on your knees so that they won't 
jerk so quickly next time.

That's enough words placed in my mouth by others for today Maru

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