On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Erik Reuter wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 03:23:57PM -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:
> > Yes, but it can be done somewhat more gently than how it was done on
> > this list earlier today.  And doing it more gently will get you a more
> > positive reaction than immediately jumping down their throat will.
> > Enough gentle prods will help wear down the prejudices, while sharper
> > ones will just make people more defensive, and maybe *reinforce* the
> > prejudices.
> Do you have evidence that this is true? It seems to me that the subtle
> approach often has little effect in changing people's minds, while
> making strong statements can grab someone's attention and get them
> to really think about an issue.  I would agree that the approach you
> explain will sometimes be the most effective course, but not always,
> maybe not even usually.

It has been my experience that given a choice between one massive 
hitting-over-the-head kind of confrontation and much gentler prods over 
the course of 6 months or so, the gentler prods will have caused more of a 
change in mindset 12 months after the initial event.

Now, my experience on this is limited to probably only about 50 people
I've been in close contact with over the course of my life, but it turned 
out to be just as good a tactic in dealing with the cynical engineer as it 
was in dealing with the somewhat scatterbrained artiste.

And sometimes there is just no way a mind will be changed on a particular 
subject if you keep arguing with that person; when that happens, the best 
thing to do is move on and try not to discuss that subject.  Saying things 
that are tangental to that subject in discussions of other things might 
help some, but confronting a subject head-on with someone who has their 
position very deeply entrenched is more likely to make them dig in deeper 
with it.  (I have seen this most notably in a couple of people 
significantly older than myself.)


post didn't come through on the account I made the original commend on, 


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