Erik Reuter wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 15, 2004 at 05:46:09PM -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:
> > But being in-your-face on an e-mail list doesn't work well, either.
> Sometimes it does. At least as well as...
> > If I make 50 posts in a 6-month period that touch on X, and someone
> > is opposed to my position on X, there's a better chance that I'll at
> > least get that person to think about their own position, if not modify
> > it a bit, than if I write one post saying that their position on X is
> > wrong, offensive or intolerable.
> ...which very rarely happens. In fact, if you hadn't said it happened to
> you, I'd say it never happens. What were you talking about that had an
> email thread that went for 6 months? 

There will be topics that come up one week, then come up again a month
or two later, then again sometime later.  Happens on some lists.  Of
course, I'm usually not the *target* of persuasion on most of those, but
in reading the positions of the most vocal participants, my position
*does* sometimes change.  Or at least I find it challenged.

Now, there's another email list that has *not* managed in 14 months to
shake me from my relatively moderate position on _Dune_, but that's
another story entirely.  :)


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