Dan Minette wrote:

If a popular expert on child rearing turns out to have really botched the rearing of their own children, does that lower one's opinion of their work?

The children of a shoemaker seldom have good shoes is IIRC what the husband of Dr. Ruth said when asked about the quality of their sexlife. That doesn't make her any less of an expert on the subject though.

But to answer the question. Attacks on a person as such are never justified. It is aimed at nullifying the argument someone makes by an attempt to diminishing the value of that person. A secure and well established personality doesn't have to resort to such dirty tricks to win points in an argument. Especially since that shouldn't be the objective of a discussion in the first place. The object of discussion should be to get more insight into other views apart from once own, to form a well rounded, freshly established and constantly reevaluated opinion of the object of discussion.

That would be in an ideal world of course.
<tongue in cheek>
Currently we just hit each other over the head with anything conveniently at hand untill someone gives in or is carried away soaked in blood.... bunch of neanderthales.
</tongue in cheek>

Sonja :o)
GCU: Indiscretions of a caveman


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