From: "Jim Sharkey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: This Is Spinal Ta-, er, Metallica
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 10:05:31 -0500 (EST)

Travis Edmunds wrote: >Metallica's music always felt somewhat contrived

Seeing as they've influenced a pretty large number of bands, at least a few of which were on your list, I find this statement staggering. Can you get a little more specific.

Sure. I recognize Metallica's significance, but I'm not a very big Metallica fan. Never was, and never will be. Mainly for the reason that I never felt in their music, what I felt or feel in other music of the genre.

IIRC, Megadeth was also on your list. Dave Mustaine wrote about half the songs on Kill 'Em All. Are those songs exceptions to that idea?


Seeing as how we don't know each other, I'll let slide the history lesson. No biggie!!<lol> It's just that we have no idea of each others' musical...competence if you will.

That being said, I should like to point out that Megadeth is without a doubt on my top 20 list. And trust me, that's an exclusive club.

It's funny you know. I'm always getting dumped on by Metal fans. Some friend of mine will introduce me (his buddy) to one of his "buddies", and he'll find out about my musical interests (if he already doesn't know), and proceed to ask the same generic question: "Do you like Metallica"? To which I respond "yes, but....." And then of course I'm regarded as some fool until such time as I say something to the effect of "I love Megadeth", which brings about such harsher thoughts in others as "Poor uneducated, sorry excuse for a professed music lover". Oh well...

The thing is Jim, I FEEL Megadeth. I don't feel Metallica. Hence "Metallica's music always felt somewhat contrived". Note however that I don't dispute their talent, or their significance, as I have already stated.

-Travis "although Hammet is SOOO overrated" Edmunds

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