From: Damon Agretto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: This Is Spinal Ta-, er, Metallica
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 13:39:56 -0800 (PST)

Well I have to weigh in here at some point...

Travis, I really hve to disagree with your analysis of
Nirvana. When they hit it big I was in the perfect
place to become a fan: I was in HS. And indeed I did
become a fan, bought the records, wore the t-shirt,
talked about what body organs I would sell to see them
in concert. But of all the bands I listened to at that
time that I still have records of, Nirvana is not on
my list. So for me I would disagree its a nostalgia
thing, because for me Nirvana WOULD be nostalgia.

That's fine. But I think it's more of a decision based on personal taste, rather than an accurate analysis of Nirvana and their place in the annals of music.

I agree with the others: the music was catchy but
lacked depth,

How so?

the lyrics nihilistic but with no real

I think that nihilism WAS the message in some of their music.

Also, in direct contrast with your thinking, I must say that not all of their tunes lacked any real "message". In fact, many of Nirvana's songs were shockingly honest glimpses into the life and inner demons of Cobain, that without a doubt called for a change.

Dave Grohl was the best member of that band,
and although I'm not a big fan of his, I'd much rather
listen to the Foo Fighters than Nirvana any day...

Damon "but I still have my Soundgarden record..."

I will only consent that Grohl was the best technical musician in the band. He is one helluva drummer! But the distinction of "best", which I consider to be the most important member of the band, is reserved for Cobain.

About the Soundgarden bit. Are you saying that they are a band of more substance than Nirvana? Or do you simply like them more?

-Travis "you gotta break your rusty cage Damon" Edmunds

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