Jan Coffey wrote:
>Oh yes thank you for reminding me, I had almost forgotten all about 
>you Erick.
>Come to mention it I also forot these words: bully, adipose, 
>corpulent, fleshy, gross, heavy, obese, overblown, overweight, 
>porcine, portly, pursy, stout, upholstered, weighty,  beefy, bulky, 
>chunky, dumpy, full-bodied, heavyset, squat, stocky, stubby, thick, 
>thickset; paunchy, potbellied; brawny, burly, husky, ass, damfool, 
>donkey, imbecile, jackass, jerk, nincompoop, ninny, tomfool, ament, 
>cretin, dullard, dullhead, dumbbell, dummy, ignoramus, moron, 
>simpleton, stupid, ...rubber ...glue.

IMO, your original post a lot more interesting than Erik's attempt 
at a pithy dismissal.  Generally, that kind of response just makes
me roll my eyes at how impressed he is with his own intellect, and 
I thought your little definitions were amusing and described most of 
the typical Internet argument tactics I see a lot of pretty well. 

However, while I enjoy unpacking my adjectives as much, if not more, than the next 
guy, I have to say, Jan, that falling back on fat 
jokes is not the best way to gain the sympathy of, well, anybody with
two synapses capable firing in concert.

Could afford to hit the gym more himself Maru

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