On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 03:38:32PM -0600, Julia Thompson wrote:

> You know, I'm a little touchy about this right now.  Maybe I shouldn't
> be, but I am.

Funny, the comment didn't even register on me. Most of it is because I
don't pay a lot of attention to Jane's posts anyway since the S/N is so
low, but also, what a ludicrous thing for a person who has never met
me to write. Incidentally, my BMI is 22 kg/m^2, which is well within
the healthy range of 20 - 25.  So the whole thing comes out of right
field....anyway, not worth worrying about. If you're not currently
feeling quite at the level you want to be, Julia, I'm sure you'll get
there soon -- I can't imagine how hard it is to keep perfectly fit after
what your body has been through!

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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