From: Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Killer Bs Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: A few new words of which this list is in need
Date: Sun, 29 Feb 2004 14:10:49 -0500

On Sun, Feb 29, 2004 at 02:26:43PM -0330, Travis Edmunds wrote:

> First of all, let me say that after getting to know Robert a bit
> in the last few months, I think he's a pretty cool guy. In direct
> contrast to you of course; and I'm not too sure that he posts much
> "insincere psychobabble nonsense". You on the other hand post SINCERE
> NONSENSE (minus the psychobabble).

Well, you're half right (2/3). Again, as long as we are being honest,
the posts of yours that I have read have been a waste of my time. Not
surprising you and Rob would enjoy each other's babble. Although it
is disappointing that you make so little effort to discern sense from
nonsense before posting your tripe, and that you draw conclusions from
such a short baseline.

-- Erik Reuter

As my old man would say: "Once a fella met a fella in a can of beans. Said a fella to a fella can a fella tell a fella what a fella means"?

Well, seeing as how we're being brutally honest...

Erik. My posts are a waste of your time. Fine. I take no offense to that whatsoever (which probably defeats the purpose you had in posting it in the first place). In fact I'm glad. Glad that you have no time for what I say, for it proves to me that you are indeed being honest. How do I know? Well you and I are two completely different animals. Take the Drake equation for example. If we were to start discussing it, everyone would see a response from me, saying something to the effect of "Well...THAT'S depressing". You on the other hand, would more than likely break it all down (which is fine) and then show us all the true power of your towering intellect (which is absurd). From what I have observed, you seem to think that everyone's brain exists in some subservient state to your own. And you make a point, to point it out. Now I ask WHY, do you make a point to do that?

Perhaps it's integrity on your part. Just as intregrity on my part leads me away from needlessly belittling and offending people. Perhaps we have different ideals. No doubt we do. But why? Why belittle people needlessly? Where specifically, does that come from Erik?

You know, I have on several occasions had to figuratively bite my tongue after seeing some of your posts. I figured, "ah to what end? Why get involved in something that will escalate into a full-blown and NEEDLESS argument?" So I refrained. Now please don't take my actions as of late, NOT biting my tongue, as some obscene attempt to lynch you Erik. It's not. It's more an attempt at simply saying that what you regularly do is offensive, belittling, needless, and I really do wonder why you do the things you do. It's puzzling.

In any case Erik, I don't know you. Therefore I cannot say that I dislike you. I can however say that it has been my experience that people who do things like you do, generally don't make it onto my friends list. Not that being on my list of so-called "friends" is any special privilege. It's just that I only associate with people I like. And I don't like assholes, or people who get on like assholes. And people who act like assholes are generally assholes. Not calling you an asshole, as I said I don't even know you. But you can act like one...

In closing I should like to say that this was NOT an attack on you Erik. As far as I'm concerned it's some "honest" criticism, combined with "honest" inquiry, and a dash of "honest" advice.

-Travis "psychobabbling" Edmunds

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