--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Erik Reuter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 13, 2004 at 02:50:33PM -0500, Gary Nunn wrote:
> > As much as I hate to interrupt all of the love that is flowing 
> > and forth on this list, I was wondering if anyone has been 
> > Stargate?
> I have, but I haven't watched Friday's episode yet. I have it on 
tape. I
> was thinking about waiting until next Friday to watch it back-to-
> with the season finale, but I might watch it earlier.
> > I am not quite sure where they are going with this story line. I
> > do see that they are setting up the new Stargate:Atlantis series
> > that starts in July. I also see from the IMDB that the new 
> > of the SGC (Dr.  Elizabeth Weir) is one of the main characters of
> > SG:Atlantis. I wonder if that means that she will return SGC to 
> > control of Hammond? I also see that Stargate SG-1 is returning 
for an
> > eighth season in the Friday 9:00 pm timeslot with the 
SG:Atlantis in
> > the 10:00 pm slot.
> Hmmmm. I didn't know there was a SG spinoff coming. But if it is 
> Sci-Fi channel fare, then I doubt it will be worth watching. I 
> how much longer the original will stick around, and whether it 
will go
> down hill...

Agreeing with Erik is a very strange feeling. But then that is what 
this list is about after all. We all like HCSF.

I agree, I do not hold much hope for atlantis. It appears that 
hamond will be taking over command of the intersteller ship. It also 
looks like the story line will move from current time to the future.

I do not know of any other tv story which has done this (other than 
enterprise in the trailer). There have been some that started in the 
past and then ended in current time (or a few months or years from 
now) but none that went from current time to the future in quite the 
way the SG1 seems to be poised to do.

I really was drawn to the CTG line by Benford becouse it stradeled 
current time.


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