"We're sorry for the inconvenience of the voters," Urosevich said.

"Inconvenience"? To call that "putting it mildly" is putting it mildly.

"Weren't they actually disenfranchised?" asked Tony Miller, chief counsel
to the state's elections division.

After a moment, Urosevich agreed: "Yes, sir."


Flanked by most of California's local elections officials and advocates
for the blind and speakers of minority-language, Diebold executives and
attorneys pleaded for one more chance.

Uh-uh. Put these mother-fuckers out of business NOW.

State elections officials were dismayed to find that Diebold had sold and
installed thousands of its new TSx machines in the state without getting
them tested, nationally qualified and even before applying for state

"I understand your frustration," said Diebold chief developer Tab
Iredell. "Why did we sell something that we didn't think we could run?
Our understanding based on past experience was we thought we could get
that certified."

Why did they sell it? To make money, of course. That's the only value of capitalism. That's why Republicans and other tub-thumpers for deregulation are their own worst enemies. Capitalists need government to keep capitalists from ruining capitalism.

Obviously there's plenty of blame to go around here - the county clearly did a poor job. But unquestionably the bulk of the blame here goes to Diebold. Whose CEO (Wally O'Dell) is a major Republican donor and Bush backer and has promised to deliver Ohio's electoral votes to Bush. And we're supposed to give HIM a second chance? So they can steal another election?

For more on Diebold's LONG history of screw-ups (and worse), go to www.blackboxvoting.com and www.blackboxvoting.org.

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Tom Beck

my LiveJournal: http://www.livejournal.com/users/tomfodw/

"I always knew I'd see the first man on the Moon. I never thought I'd see the last." - Dr. Jerry Pournelle

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