--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> OK, let me walk through this arguement.  First of
> all, I saw people jumping
> from the WTC a number of times on TV.  Then, an
> announcment was made: "we
> have been requested to stop showing these photos
> because of the feelings of
> the families of the people in the WTC.  We thought
> about it, and decided
> they were right."  My real guess is that they
> thought Americans would
> believe that and it was not worth the risk of
> alienating too many viewers.
> Second, in your discussion of the media elite, you
> have made it looked like
> a left wing monolith.  I cannot agree with that. 
> Are you arguing that Fox
> news has had a left wing pacifict agenda over the
> last year that permiated
> its news coverage?  Don't you think the NY Post, or
> at least the Washington
> Times would be willing to publish those photos, if
> the only reason for not
> publishing them was a left wing agenda?  Is every
> news outlet part of the
> leftist elite?

No, but most of the major ones are.  I think I've
realized where the difference between you and me on
the media really stems from, Dan.  You think that
they're good at their jobs, and I think they're inept.
 I agree with you (to some extent) that viewership and
such are important.  I disagree that they're
_primary_, because if they were none of the networks
would have an evening news broadcast.  Yet they do, so
clearly something else is going on.

But more than that, the success of Fox News suggests
(to me) the extent to which the media elite is
completely out of touch with the American mainstream. 
This isn't surprising - read David Brook's articles in
_The Atlantic_ on Red & Blue America.  But it does
seem clear.  Fox exploited a fairly obvious market
niche (a news broadcast not skewed to the left) and
met with remarkable success.  But no one in the
business except Roger Ailes saw it.  I have a friend
who works for ABC News who keeps referring to Ailes as
a genius.  I don't think so - I'm sure he's smart, but
mainly  he just didn't share the ideological blinders
that she and almost all of her co-workers have.

Let me quote from an ABC News institution, in fact -
The Note:
Like every other institution, the Washington and
political press corps operate with a good number of
biases and predilections. 

They include, but are not limited to, a near-universal
shared sense that liberal political positions on
social issues like gun control, homosexuality,
abortion, and religion are the default, while more
conservative positions are "conservative positions." 

They include a belief that government is a mechanism
to solve the nation's problems; that more taxes on
corporations and the wealthy are good ways to cut the
deficit and raise money for social spending and don't
have a negative affect on economic growth; and that
emotional examples of suffering (provided by unions or
consumer groups) are good ways to illustrate economic
statistic stories. 

More systematically, the press believes that fluid
narratives in coverage are better than static
storylines; that new things are more interesting than
old things; that close races are preferable to loose
ones; and that incumbents are destined for dethroning,

The press, by and large, does not accept President
Bush's justifications for the Iraq war -- in any of
its WMD, imminent threat, or evil-doer formulations.
It does not understand how educated, sensible people
could possibly be wary of multilateral institutions or
friendly, sophisticated European allies. 

It does not accept the proposition that the Bush tax
cuts helped the economy by stimulating summer

It remains fixated on the unemployment rate. 

It believes President Bush is "walking a fine line"
with regards to the gay marriage issue, choosing
between "tolerance" and his "right-wing base." 

It still has a hard time understanding how, despite
the drumbeat of conservative grass-top complaints
about overspending and deficits, President Bush's base
remains extremely and loyally devoted to him -- and it
looks for every opportunity to find cracks in that

Of course, the swirling Joe Wilson and National Guard
stories play right to the press's scandal bias -- not
to mention the bias towards process stories (grand
juries produce ENDLESS process!). 

The worldview of the dominant media can be seen in
every frame of video and every print word choice that
is currently being produced about the presidential

[End quote]
Now, that's not me talking.  That's an employee of ABC
News in an official writing, not even something
published independently.  Will the right-wing press
publish the images?  I think that they will (and have)
put more emphasis on the images than their left-wing
brethren.  Because they work in an environment in
which the dominant norms are entirely shaped by the
press organs of the media elite, they won't go all the
way - they will feel restrained by a sense of not
getting too far away from the "acceptable boundaries"
which are largely laid out by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, and
the New York Times.

So I would say that the media elite is trapped heavily
in its little conceptual world.  One of the wonders of
the internet is the extent to which it allows people
to escape from that prison - I think that the
Democratic Party (for example) is going to have to
figure out how to operate in an environment where
every story is not pre-spun to their benefit, as it
has been for the last 30-40 years.  They'll learn, but
it will take time, and lots of other institutions will
have to adapt as well.  That aside, the dominance of
that elite shapes the norms in which the media
operates.  The extent to which that elite is out of
touch with the public creates the gaps which
conservative media have been able to exploit, but it
also explains many of the decisions they make - like
the ones that you described.

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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