----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Sloan II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 5:52 PM
Subject: Huntsville Forbes #8 Best Place 2004

> I'm proud to see that Huntsville, Alabama is ranked number 8 in
> Forbes' Best Places for Business. Not bad at all, considering
> that it has the smallest population in the top 25 list, at only
> 354,000 people. Other Brineller homes are also on the list,
> including Houston at number 15, and Austin at number 3.
>      http://www.forbes.com/2004/05/05/04bestplacesland.html
> Best Places For Business
> Edited by Kurt Badenhausen, 05.07.04, 7:00 AM ET
> The best metro areas to launch a business or a career often
> revolve around universities that offer a diverse, educated
> work force and, especially when they are far from big cities,
> relatively low costs. Such regions--Raleigh, Austin and Ann
> Arbor among them--are also attractive places to live, judging
> by the patterns of migration.

I found it interesting that the most leftist city that I'm familiar with,
Madison WI, is listed number 1.  Its interesting to compare this to the
discussion of the need to set a healthy, conservative climate to attract

Dan M.


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