--- Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do consider Wal-mart and Sam's vastly superior to
> the NE department
> chains that went bankrupt trying to compete.  I
> consider their investment
> in inventory control very much on target: a real
> investment in
> productivity.  But, I think that you overstated your
> case....unless of
> course you meant "in my lifetime" to apply to "Wal
> Mart has done more to
> improve the lot of the American poor than any
> government program that I can
> think of."  If that's what you meant, and you mean
> improvements over the
> last 25 years, then its a closer call.  It would
> depend on whether one
> calls Bill's fiscal management qualifies as a
> program...and whether you
> trust Brad's or JDG's economic judgment more.
> Dan M.

Append "in my lifetime" and you get to what I meant,
yes.  I think both Brad _and_ JDG vastly overstate the
extent to which economic policies can be attributed to
any single actor in the American system.  If President
Clinton had not had a Republican Congress - then
things would have been very different.  If that same
Republican Congress had not had a Democratic President
- then things would have been very different.  I think
"economic policy" is a little too broad to be called a
program, though.

I would say that the economic policies of the Clinton
Administration pretty closely approximate my ideal (I
would cut taxes and spending more, but I can
definitely live with what we had).  Also (as I think
I've written here) one of the unheralded stories of
the Clinton Administration was its _masterful_
handling of the 1998 Asian economic crisis.  So I'm
not stinting of my praise for what was, all in all, an
excellent performance on that issue.

Gautam Mukunda
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