On Wed, 12 May 2004 23:17:20 -0500, Julia Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The Fool wrote:
> > From: Gautam Mukunda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> What would a left-wing libertarian be like?  What sort of positions
> would one take on various issues?  I'm curious.
>        Julia

I have a friend who is an engineer at NASA who could be considered a
left-wing libertarian. (Interesting how many libertarians work for
government organizations.)  He is anti-government and anti-tax and
pro-civil liberties.  When there is not a Libertarian candidate he
will now normally vote for the Democrat.  His dislike of the Christian
moralist busybodies who comprise most of the Texas GOP is more than
his dislike of what he thinks is the too quick to tax Democrats. 
Since the decline of fiscal responsibility in the GOP he seems to be
even favoring Democrats over a Libertarian candidates in close races.

I am libertarian on social and personal issues, just not on economic.
I feel that the Libertarian Party refuses to consider the loss of
liberty economic power causes which can be greater than the loss of
liberty caused by government power.

Arianna Huffington might be considered another left-wing libertarian.
People may not remember that Arianna Huffington started out as a
prominent Republican commentator because of her libertarian views -
which she thought helped those less fortunate.  She became
disillusioned that the GOP leaders only wanted sound bites that their
policies helped those with lower incomes.

Gary Denton

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