>Ritu, who is not sure if Mike really believes what he says or if >he
is just good at parody

I would filter him out but silence equals assent.

But I don't have time to respond to each of his over the top
statements. Reminds me of some frequent posters I tracked down who
were very popular on right wing sites.  Several turned out to be in
high school - no wonder they seemed sophomoric.

When people start a diatribe of hate and ignorance it is worth it for
others to say "that is not true."

If someone does not speak up, how many assume that there is no
opposition, that everyone thinks that?

This latest screed on violence solving your problems reminds me of the
reasons the Nixon White House gave when they carpet bombed the
Cambodian border areas - "We will wipe out the base camps and
guerrillas threatening Vietnam and at the same time strengthen the
Cambodian government by getting rid of those thugs."

With thousands of Cambodians dead the government fairly quickly fell.
The people avoided having anything to do with the West and the most
extreme revolutionaries turned the entire country into a bloodbath as
the world looked away. Vietnam fell too you may remember.

Yeah, a few nukes on those terrorists will sure fix things.

It will first multiply the people with a reason to look with fear,
hate and loathing on the US and then science or a few bucks eventually
provides the multiplied survivors with some mass terror weapon.  Funny
how civilization is much more vulnerable to those weapons than a few
people wandering urban slums and the world outback.

A good solution to Iraq is to declare victory (cheers, flag waving),
turn Chalabi over to Jordan to serve his over 20 years for bank fraud
(cheers, least popular leader in Iraq with 0.1% support), give Kurds
their own country (cheers, they will gladly give us bases), give the
Shiites their own country (no cheers but no more suicide bombers
either, we killed too many and let Saddam kill too many for cheers),
prosecute Haliburton and others for war profiteering and corruption,
and then start figuring out what to do to those idiots who cost us
$200 billion in Iraq and that is cheap compared to their other
domestic boondoggles.  

Since the rich elected them why don't we declare a "you have to pay
for your stupid mistakes" surcharge income tax to get the budget back
in balance?  Still don't know if that makes up for the "What did you
do in the war, daddy?  Why I stayed home and spent some of my war tax
cut, dear!" of the last two years.

Gary "An occasional rant may actually be good for my blood pressure." Denton

Easter Lemming Liberal News Digest

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