On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 11:42:48PM -0400, Gary Nunn wrote:
> > On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 10:50:50PM -0400, Gary Nunn wrote:
> > > Would I pay all the money in a bank to ransom my children 
> > or sacrifice 
> > > someone else to save my children from imminent death?  Yes I would.
> Erik wrote.... 
> > No you would not. IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY TO GIVE AWAY.
> Just a guess, but you don't have children do you?  

You really need to try harder to remain rational. No matter how much you
may want save your children, reality takes precedence over your desires.
Appeals to irrationality are not persuasive.

First, if your child is being held for ransom, it is unlikely that your
highest probability of getting the child back is to actually pay the
ransom.  Anyone unethical enough to kidnap a child for ransom cannot be
relied upon to honor a deal (of course, perhaps the kidnapper is doing
it to raise money to pay for an operation for his child...).

Second, if you and the authorities do decide that the best way to
proceed is to pay a ransom, you can probably find someone or some agency
that will willingly put up the money for you.

Third, I doubt you have the intelligence and ability to successfully
plan and execute a successful non-homicidal bank robbery under normal
circumstances. Let alone when you are even less rational than usual
because your child has been kidnapped.

Finally, if by some miracle you did succceed in robbing the bank without
hurting anyone, paying the ransom, and getting the child back, you would
then be serving many years in jail for armed robbery. And I doubt a
jailbird father can do a good job of raising a child. Although with
judgement that bad, it may be best to get the father away from the child
as soon as possible...

Just a guess, but you don't have a brain do you?

Erik Reuter   http://www.erikreuter.net/

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