> Gary Nunn wrote:
> > 
> > > On Tue, Jun 15, 2004 at 10:50:50PM -0400, Gary Nunn wrote:
> > > > Would I pay all the money in a bank to ransom my children
> > > or sacrifice
> > > > someone else to save my children from imminent death?  Yes I 
> > > > would.

> > Erik wrote....
> > > No you would not. IT IS NOT YOUR MONEY TO GIVE AWAY.
> > Just a guess, but you don't have children do you?

Julia write..... 
> I have children, and Erik's right.
> Now, you might be able to beg, borrow or steal some money,
> but realistically, are they really going to hit *you* up for ransom?

>>Various other comments...

Gheezzz, don't read mail for a few days and come back and find that this
topic went this far downhill? Wow!

Ok, just to clarify a few things.... While I would be willing to
temporarily give up some liberties for the sake of my children's safety,
the key words there are "some" and "temporary". I think that the Patriot
Act is an evil, ugly thing that needs to have a stake driven through
it's heart. Hopefully once the democrats return to power, the Patriot
Act will die a quick death.

Ok, as for the ORIGINAL subject of this thread, the scenario of the
ransom / bank money is HIGHLY unlikely and was only meant as an example
of principal to show how far I might go for my children. Not even for a
moment would I think that my children would be kidnapped and held for
ransom. I don't have access to enough money or assets to make that a
profitable venture for someone.  HOWEVER, in principal, if my children
were kidnapped, and I had access to a large amount of money (either
legally or illegally) I would not hesitate to trade any amount of money
for their potential return - my money - Erik's - whoever's.  I would
move heaven and earth to protect my children when called to.

The instinct to protect ones children is as basic and hardwired as the
human instinct for self preservation. As a matter of fact, I think the
instinct to protect your children overrides the human instinct for self
preservation, hence the parents that run into burning buildings or in
front of cars to save their children.  I would not hesitate to put
myself between my children and any imminent danger that may head their
way, even if my chances of personal survival were nil.

I have seen calm, rational, intelligent and educated parents reduced to
the point of irrationality in mere minutes when they perceived their
children to be in imminent danger.

Erik, I was not being condescending or belittling you in any way when I
asked if you had children.  Children change their parents in ways that
could never have been anticipated. I could be wrong, but I think that
you would view this issue in a different light if you had children.  Or
not, and that would be ok too.  Every parent has a different set of
standards and values that can change at a moments notice depending on
the situation.



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