----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Warren Ockrassa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, November 19, 2004 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: More hypocrisy on display than skin

> > Impotence spots seem to adress long term relationships (marriages) that
> > have been adversely affected by a physical dysfunction.  Yes it deals
> > with
> > sex, but it seems to deal with it in a healthy manner.
> Please describe how you obtained the definition of "healthy" here. I'd
> be willing to bet that my ideas of healthy sex, and of dealing with sex
> in a healthy fashion, are radically at odds with yours. (For instance I
> don't tend to get doe-eyed when thinking of two people who've known
> each other forever still having sex -- that's great, but it is not the
> definition -- nor even the touchstone -- of sexual health or of dealing
> with sex in a healthy way.)

Sure.  Sex that is an intimate expression of love between two people is
healthy.  Sex that is based on power, dominence, determining one's self
worth by one's sexual marketability, or the use of other people as tools
for self-gratification is unhealthy.

Another way of looking at it is seeing how healthy/unhealty sexual
relationships affect families.  Monogomous sex, that serves as a glue in a
long standing relationship helps to provide a stable environment in which
children grow up.  Measuring one's manhood by how many different women one
has "gotten" or how many children one isn't supporting by these various
women is not healthy. Having an affair with a young women that is much
closer to one's daughter's age than to one's own is not healthy.

Dan M.


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