> So what begins?    More demonization of Christians?
> Sometimes I think that for all the talk about religious 
> tolerance, that some people believe that Christians really 
> shouldn't be permitted to
> participate in the political process.   

One of my points was, that his comments clearly show a fundamental lack of
tolerance for those that have a different viewpoint or belief. 

So who is showing the intolerance, people that are concerned about religious
fanatics (regardless of their religion) influencing the administration and
government, or the supposedly good Christian that was quoted as saying that
he could care less about those that are not Christians?  

I am a Christian, and this guy scares me.  His comments remind me of other
religious fanatics that have justified intolerance, hate and oppression, all
"In the name of [their] God".


If you can't take the heat, don't tickle the dragon.



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