Warren Ockrassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Mind you that's at the local charter school. The
> public schools are 
> being abandoned in droves by students who whine that
> the curriculum is 
> "too hard" and whose parents are tired of having
> their kids flunk.
> When students become customers, education is doomed.

Or to emulate your choice of wording:
When patients become customers, medicine is doomed.

Toenail fungus. 
Major medical centers that offer unproven therapies as
viable alternatives.

Wishful thinking does not equal scientific evidence.
Expunging the _art_ of medicine from "healthcare
delivery" benefits corporations, but not the ill.

I never did bet any quatloos on the outcome of thrall
combat, yet was designated a "provider."  >:/
Oddly, it didn't say that on my diploma.

I was told in school that one of the major functions
of an internist was to educate patients about their
disease and health, but in practice was criticised for
taking the time to do so.  Silly me! Didn't I see that
an uninformed - or even better, *misinformed* - ill
person is a much better consumer of miracle drugs,
sure-fire diets and wondrous contraptions!?  Why
should anyone have to _work_ at being healthy, when
it's so much more *convenient* to pop a pill?!

who still has 2000+ List posts to peruse  <sigh>
...and is only joking a teensy bit...

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