On 17 Jan 2005, at 12:12 am, Trent Shipley wrote:

David Brin filters the list so that he only sees subject lines containing
"Brin:". To get Dr. Brin uptodate seven regulars have contributed to the
thread so far. Steve Sloan, Vilyem/Medievalbk, Gary Nunn, and Robert
Seeberger have all expressed interest in participating. They have not
specified whether they are interested in the demo or using HC as the platform
for the weekly chat. I am assuming that everyone implicitly understands that
the order would be demo first, then discussion of the demo on the list, then
(assuming concensus) going to an HC chat basis.

I wouldn't mind seeing the demo. What happens after that can be discussed.

News from Wm. T. Goodall would be particularly apropos.

Depending on how open the early Holocene Chat test is to newcomers, we may still need William to set up the IRC server we discussed.

What IRC server that "we" discussed? Who be this "we"?

Chat regulars maybe? Setting up something for IRC has been discussed many times.

But yes, because of the Linux issue (and poverty), I will not be participating
if the chat moves to HC. (Low desktop market share for Linux combined with
the "no new resources" rule implies that there will be no efforts made to
accommodate Linux. The culprit is probably in the Flash programming.)

Making it harder for people using any particular platform to use the chat doesn't seem like progress. We don't want to lose our Linux chatters.


I must admit that as much as I like chatting with all of you, I get
frustrated with the MUD interface and have trouble following conversations.
I guess that I am lazy and am used to the more "standard" instant message
interface. Maybe there is a more intuitive interface available for MUD?
Honestly, I would participate more if I used a different interface.

If we go to Brin Chat, maybe we should go to a real IRC system so that we can
compare HC with IRC? (We could do HC one week, then IRC the next. This
might be particularly helpful if HC ever goes back into development.)

I'm not sure if many of the chatters are actually interested in the technology stuff. Or learning to use HC and IRC in order to compare them.

I assume that we have been using MUD because of compatibility between
different O/S's and browsers? Is anyone here still using a text based
browser? Before anyone gets defensive or offended, I am genuinely curious
- not being critical :-)

The MUD works with telnet on anything, or via the Java interface, and is basically pretty simple. There are MUD clients that give more sophisticated interfaces for those that want them.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible."
- Bertrand Russell


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