JDG  wrote:

At 04:30 PM 3/13/2005 -0800, Dr. Brin wrote:
Then they invaded and occupied Iraq (a country with NO nuclear
weapons program)

Had you read carefully you might have noticed that he didn't write any of that. His email began:

Russ Daggatt is an owner of the Seattle Supersonics who gets a little frenetic in his politics. But sometimes his screeds are just too entertaining to pass up. I will share this one with you

As for your response, your tired rationalizations of the administrationâs crimes and failures are less convincing than ever. For instance the statement "False. Khatami and the so-called "moderates" had been marginalized by hard-line clerics prior to September 11th." while superficially true ignores the fact that whatever moderates there were have been forced into the oppositions camp by the hostile rhetoric of the Bush administration. Where there once was a chance for the people of that country to make gradual changes to liberalize their government, there is now close to zero chance.

What Bush and his lackeys don't understand is that the _real_ power of this country was never its military.


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