Julia wrote:

>I'm reminded of a conversation Dan had with some of our neighbors.
>Apparently the neighborhood is heavily armed, and we're weirdos for having
>a sword collection rather than a gun collection. (Of course, the one time
>we really needed a gun, the next-door neighbor didn't have ammo for his
>gun of the appropriate caliber. There *is* such a thing as overkill when
>it's a snake in a hole dug right next to the house.)

One guy I knew (who had come home more than once to find a rattlesnake
in the garage when he opened the door) carried a .357 Magnum revolver
loaded with shot shells he loaded himself for that purpose.

Oh, a handgun is one thing. Most of what everyone around here has are rifles & shotguns. We wanted the BB gun for the snake. :) A hunting rifle would be a bit much, for something in a hole that close to the house. (I shudder to think of the ricochet possibilities right in that spot....)

Seems like poking it with an epee or a rapier would be just as effective as a pellet gun. On second thought, the posibility of ending up with a snake on a stick would be rather daunting. Unless of course you had a cutlass or a katana to slice and dice said snake on a stick.

Mmmm, tastes like chicken.

When I lived in South Carolina our landlord, a fiesty old widower named Mrs. Quick would dispatch the occasional cottonmouth with a shovel.

squirrelly maru

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