Gautam wrote:

Gee, thanks Doug (:-)), I didn't know that until I
read it on list :-(  This is my first day reading the
list in weeks - I'm so overloaded with work this is
kind of my despairing gesture at ever getting it

Yea, I'm busy too, but I'm easily distracted. Especially when I can pull a game cast up on the computer while I'm working (Oh look, Soriano just homered in the top of the twelfth.)

I like to think that I take sporting success with me wherever I go (it's a sort of karmic balancing for my own lack of athletic talent, I think). When I was growing up and the only team I cared about was the Redskins - the glory days of three Superbowls. Then I fell in love with baseball - and the Orioles started to win. I moved to Boston...and the Patriots started to win. I moved back to Boston...and the Red Sox _and_ the Pats. Naturally, I take all the credit for this. :-) Tom Brady should, say, give me at least a 1% cut of his groupies out of gratitude - I'd be happy to take one for the team on his behalf :-)

<G> He seems like an accommodating guy...

I was pretty happy with 5 rings for the 49ers and a World Series for the A's through the '80s and '90s but we've fallen on hard times the last decade or so. Billy Beane building great teams year after year helps alot though.

Well, Texas wins, LAA loose.  We're tied for first with 160 to go. 8^)


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