On 4/18/05, Warren Ockrassa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Apr 15, 2005, at 4:07 AM, JDG wrote:
> > -human life begins at conception
> What about the 50% or so of all pregnancies that miscarry
> spontaneously, some of them so early in the term that the woman doesn't
> even realize she's pregnant at all?
> Were those 50% of conceptions not human lives? Or do those unbaptized
> souls go right to hell? 

No- they go to Limbo!
Or possibly they hang out with Aristotle and and the rest of the good
pagans in the first circle of Hell. At least they'll get a better
education than they probably would've on earth.  But for damn sure
they are not in Heaven- 'No one can come to the father except through
me'?  They certainly could never have received the Gospel.


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