--- Nick Arnett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 08:08:29 -0700 (PDT), Gautam
> Mukunda wrote
> The WWP isn't organzing any anti-war rallies.  It is
> hardly even organized 
> itself.  Like most every other extreme leftist
> organization on the planet, it 
> ain't working.  I don't favor McCarthyism for any
> cause.

Ah, the last defenses of the leftist who has lost an
argument.  Cry McCarthyism, however irrelevant it may
be to the point.  There's one more of those coming

> > ... you don't associate yourself
> > with anything that someone like ANSWER organizes
> ever,
> > for any reason.  
> Let me see if I do understand.  If ANSWER is
> involved in organizing anything, 
> I should have nothing to do with it, even if I agree
> with the purpose of the 
> event?  

Yes.  Is that so hard to understand?  If the American
Nazi Party had organized an antiwar event (which they
did, I think) I suppose you think it would have been
okay to show up, but I don't.  It's that simple.  If
you believe in the cause that much, organize your own
damn event.

> Is this the flip side of going along with
> *everything* that the "good" 
> people organize?  They seem like the same idea to
> me... what's that word for a 
> tendency toward extreme authority?  Starts with an
> "f?"

Ah, the other defense of the pathetic left.  Cry
fascism.  This isn't even worth discussing.  If you're
using it honestly (and I don't think you are, because
you're too smart to actually think this) then, as they
said in The Princess Bride, "That word.  I do not
think it means - what you think it means."

Gautam Mukunda
"Freedom is not free"

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