On 17 Jun 2005, at 4:36 am, Warren Ockrassa wrote:

On Jun 16, 2005, at 3:25 PM, Russell Chapman wrote:

Or, just maybe, these people are beating up these kids coz they're psycopaths who enjoy it (or derive some missing feeling or power or whatever), and then suddenly start talking religion and devils when they get caught ? Call me cynical...

It might be the other way around. Sadistic people with delusions of inadequacy might be using religion as an excuse for torture.

A simpler explanation is that religion is evil. I found a fuller version of these stories but I think registration is required so here it is:


"Boys trafficked for human sacrifices


Key points
• Metropolitan police say African boys are sent to London to be murdered
• Met report also says young Africans being sent to UK as sex slaves
• London education authority reveals 300 black boys vanished in 2001

Key quote
"People who are desperate will seek out witchcraft experts to cast spells for them. Members of the workshops state that for a spell to be powerful it required a sacrifice involving a male child unblemished by circumcision" - leaked Metrpolitan police report

Story in full AFRICAN boys are being murdered as human sacrifices in London churches, according to a shocking Scotland Yard report.

The Metropolitan Police has uncovered a trade in black boys being trafficked into the city. A number of fundamentalist sects believe powerful spells require the ritual killing of male children.

The leaked report also reveals countless examples of African children killed after being identified as "witches" by church pastors.

The ten-month study was commissioned in the wake of the inquiry into the death of eight-year-old Victoria Climbié, who was brought to Britain from Ivory Coast by relatives and was starved and brutalised after they said she was possessed by the devil.

A police spokesman said: "The Met undertook a project based on recommendations arising from the Victoria Climbié report aimed at improving our knowledge of issues impacting child abuse within the African and Asian communities of London."

Working in Newham and Hackney, community partnership officers ran a number of workshops with various sections of these communities debating issues such as female genital mutilation, physical chastisement, forced marriage and faith-related child abuse.

The leaked report is quoted as saying: "People who are desperate will seek out witchcraft experts to cast spells for them.

"Members of the workshops state that for a spell to be powerful it required a sacrifice involving a male child unblemished by circumcision.

"They allege the boy children are being trafficked into the UK for this purpose."

The report is also quoted as saying that children may be brought to Britain as sex slaves, some of them for men with HIV who believe that if they have sex with a child they will be cleansed.

In discussions with African community leaders, officers were told of numerous examples of children being murdered because their parents or carers believed them to be possessed by evil spirits.

Police are now investigating the claims further. The police spokesman said: "The aim of the project was to open a dialogue within these communities and encourage a debate which would help reduce the risks of harm to children.

"The recommendations in the report, due to be published later this month, are being carefully considered at the highest levels in the MPS in conjunction with partner agencies and community groups."

The report concludes police face a "wall of silence" when dealing with the fundamentalist African community.

Earlier this month, two women were convicted at the Old Bailey of torturing an eight-year-old child they accused of being a witch.

The girl, an orphaned refugee from war-torn Angola, was stabbed, kicked, beaten, had chilli peppers rubbed in her eyes and was forced into a laundry bag and threatened with drowning in a river.

Last month, Scotland Yard revealed it had only been able to trace two of 300 black boys aged four to seven reported missing from London schools in a three-month period.

Child welfare experts say the number highlights the scale of the trade in children brought to Britain. The figure emerged through the murder inquiry following the discovery of a child's torso in the Thames in September 2001.

The identity of the victim, named "Adam" by police, is not known, but his background was traced to Nigeria.

It is believed he died in a ritual sacrifice. Detectives asked each London education authority to give them details of black boys aged four to seven reported missing from school between July and September 2001. It emerged that 300 had vanished, 299 from Africa and one from the Caribbean.

The true figure for missing boys and girls is feared to be several thousand a year.

Scotland Yard's report into child abuse in the wake of the death of Victoria Climbié was leaked to the BBC.

Victoria was beaten, burned with cigarettes and made to sleep in an empty bath. She died in 2000 from hypothermia and malnutrition. Her great-aunt and her great-aunt's boyfriend were jailed for life for murder."

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

"The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence whatever that it is not utterly absurd; indeed in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more likely to be foolish than sensible."
- Bertrand Russell


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