At 06:56 PM Friday 7/8/2005, William T Goodall wrote:

On 21 Jun 2005, at 3:36 pm, Robert J. Chassell wrote:

Stross' novel is called `Accelerando' and I have read it.  It can be
downloaded from:

The novel is not as easy to start as other Stross' books.  (I have
read Singularity Sky, Iron Sunrise, and the Family Trade, all of which
I consider `page turners'.

All four of the Stross books you mention are listed on the brin-l- books database at

In deference to the publisher's wishes _The Family Trade_. is listed
under Fantasy. So far no-one has rated _Iron Sunrise_.

Not for lack of trying. When I tried to register, however, I received the following extra-helpful message:


Brin-l-books User Verification

Something or other mysteriously failed. Try again later. int(999)


-- Ronn!  :)


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