--- Doug Pensinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Gautam wrote:
> > He thought, IIRC, that he and his grad students
> could, if
> > they chose, build a rocket that could put 10 kgs
> in
> > LEO for about $50,000.  It was just mindblowing -
> I
> > wish I had a tape of the presentation so I could
> show
> > it to people.
> Fascinating stuff, Gautam, but why _wouldn't they
> choose to do it?
> Doug

Well, among other reasons, because I think it might be
illegal, as such a rocket would also qualify as an
ICBM :-)  In all seriousness, I don't actually know. 
He said they've actually gone ahead and designed all
the hard parts, and actually built some of them, so he
didn't feel it was much of a challenge.  OTOH, I'm not
sure what _use_ putting 10 kgs into LEO would be right
now.  10 kgs isn't that much.  If someone were to
right him a check for the amount, he seemed very
confident he could do it.  My guess is that scaling it
up to launch heavier payloads is a bit more of a
challenge, but, judging by his talk (I am not, after
all, a specialist in nanotech) eminently doable.

Gautam Mukunda
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