The Fool wrote:
>> From: Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Warren Ockrassa wrote:
>>> [adult swim] on Cartoon Network is a refuge in some ways. There 
>>> are
>>> some really interesting toons sent out on the Cartoon Network late
>>> at
>>> night -- great ones such as Cowboy Bebop, Fullmetal Alchemist and
>>> the
>>> Turner creations Aqua Teen Hunger Force and Venture Brothers.
>> As the chatroom gang can tell you, I am a devoted watcher of the
>> Cartoon Network every saturday night, all night.<G>
>>> (Inuyasha … yawn.
>> I really like Inuyasha. Yeah it is a tad soapy, but I enjoy the
>> storytelling even when it is a bit thin. The opening and ending
>> themes are always exceptionally good pop though, and I have a great
>> appreciation for the way the Japanese seemed to have learned how to
>> do Pop better than we do.
> Because MTV & VH1 stopped showing videos?  And when they do show
> videos it all rap-$#!+ all the time.

I don't care a whit about videos.
*It's the music dammit!!!*
I just like the opening and closing themes of all the Inuyasha series.
Quite beautiful!

>>> Soap opera. Samurai Champloo: Rocks tha' hizzouse.
>>> Kurosawa goes toon.)
>> Also soapy, but the action is awesome. I can't wait for Jin and
>> Rap-Bastard to get into a fight again.<G>
>>> But there are a couple of sterling anime examples they've been
>>> retransmitting. FLCL, at just six 30-minute episodes, is arguably
>>> the
>>> strangest, but definitely the most creative. The storyline is more
>>> or
>>> less standard alien-invasion fare, but the series makes bold
>>> experiments with the toon genre, breaking into "maga style" just 
>>> for
>>> kicks, for instance, and the end titles are set to "Ride on 
>>> Shooting
>>> Star", an interesting and energetic example of the punk genre as
>>> interpreted by a Japanese mindset, capably rendered by The 
>>> Pillows.
>> I like the music, but everything else about this series sucks IMO.
> Because you don't get the references?

Well.......I don't find anything in the series that causes me to care 
about references.
It is just too chaotic with too little story.

>>> Paranoia Agent is weird too with its story centering around a
>>> rollerblading boy with a metal bat who begins by stunning people 
>>> who
>>> are at the ends of their ropes -- and who becomes something much
>>> more
>>> sinister. The soundtrack for the series is scored by Susumu
>>> Hirasawa,
>>> and his musical explorations are fascinating. In the series
>>> soundtrack, his main title sequence ("Yume no Shima Shinen Kouen")
>>> is
>>> unmistakable, but a later experiment, "Jouken Douji", is probably
>>> the
>>> gem of the disc.
>> I haven't missed an episode. Very addicting and the plot twists are
>> tasty.
>>> This isn't just about music, of course; it's about how the melding
>>> of
>>> music with visuals seems to have affected anime in a way totally
>>> different from how it's manifested in the States in the form of 
>>> MTV
>>> and its offspring. On the whole I think the Nipponese flavor is 
>>> much
>>> more intriguing. I was just wondering if anyone else here was
>>> watching … and listening … and had comments to make.
>> I think my favorite is FullMetal Alchemist. The backstory is 
>> complex
>> with interesting social implications and with every episode I want 
>> to
>> chew chew chew. Great opening theme song, Japanese hard rock with
>> progressive overtones. I searched it out and D/Led it.
>> But have you been watching Justice League Unlimited, Zatch Bell, 
>> and
>> One Piece?
> How can you watch 4kids piece when it's been absolutely butchered, 
> way
> beyond even saban's old DragonBallZ Dub.  They CUT OUT 30 whole
> dogda/V\ned episodes.  The Vileness that is 4kids piece is too much 
> to
> bear.

One Piece is pretty cool, but if there is a better version I would 
like to see it.

Animeted Maru


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