Dave Land wrote:

<snip>  I'm trying to resist blaming,
because it can't possibly do any good at this point. People want to
point the finger at Bush's shifting of funds from the levee repairs
to Iraq, but there have been TEN presidential administrations since
the Army Corps of Engineers' described plans to shore up the levees.
Right now, there are people that still need to be removed from their
rooftops and people who will definitely die without fresh water and
some food. All the blaming in the world isn't going to save one life.

Looking at it from WAY outside, it certainly appears from here that all
the blame and finger pointing IS doing some good. It appears from here
(where there are no personal or media affiliations for or against US
political parties or presidents) that the more people accuse and shout,
the more POTUS and FEMA have been ramping up efforts. Reports last night
that even more troops are being allocated to relief/rescue efforts seem
to be a response to the criticism, rather than a response to the tragedy
(for starters, if he was going to commit that many because his opinion
was that they needed that many, they would have been on their way last
week, not yesterday...).

Also, I suspect the US public will be outraged by hearing the horror
stories of mismanagement *now* while they are in this state of mind,
rather than in years down the track when some enquiry has run its course
and produced a dry report with a series of recommendations no-one will

Anything that allows in the disaster relief teams from all the nations
offering them might save lives, and it seems that Bush is going to have
to be shamed into accepting them.

Russell C.

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