Dave Land wrote:

Love her as a quirky voice in political blogging or deride her as
an airhead wannabe, today, the Wonkette tells the sad tale of the
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee's invitation of
novelist Michael Crichton to testify on global warming.

Because he wrote a novel about a plucky guy who fights against the
scientists who believe in it.

To be fair, Crichton hasn't just written a novel and sat back while someone decided to believe it. He has been actively campaigning around the world to anyone who will listen with his whole mission to divert funding away from resolving climate problems. If he's been invited, it's because he has gone to a lot of trouble to get himself invited, so he's not there as a novelist, but as a lobbyist who can use his famous name.

The book is so far-fetched it wouldn't get him invited to a conspiracy convention, let alone a senate committee

Russell C.

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