----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug Pensinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 20, 2005 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: Defeat in Victory

> Dan  wrote:
> > Indeed, from my perspective, most of the political posts here that are
> > not my own, over the last few months, fit reasonably well into the
> > Michael
> > Moore wing of the Democratic party.
> That may seem true from your perspective, Dan, an oil industry
> professional living in the heart of Texas, but not from my perspective.

Isn't this an empirically testable observation?
For example, according to pollingreports.com, half of Americans think
religion is being attacked in the US;  I don't.

Over 60% of Americans are for the death penalty; I'm against it.

Most Americans either think the Patriot Act got it right, or didn't go far
enough, I would like to see the powers cut back.

Just below half (46%) of Americans approve of how GWB is handling Iraq.  My
"defense" of him is that he both has bad judgment and is horribly
incompetent...but he didn't go to war to give big oil contracts they never

Most people think that Iraq has contributed to the long term security of
the US;  I don't.

>From this, I conclude that I'm somewhat to the left of the American
political spectrum.....besides my stand on gay marriages.  With abortion, I
think I'm center-right, but that's the biggest exception I can think of.
I don't think the Democrats have a plan on Iraq, but I don't think Bush
does either.  Almost twice as many Americans think Bush has a plan; I think
neither does.

Most Americans think that the US is making significant progress in Iraq.
(60%)  I think the jury is still out, that the signals are mixed.  My take
on the majority of posts here is that the signals are virtually all

Let's see.  The closest thing that I can see to me being pro-Bush on Iraq,
is that I think he used horrible judgment in evaluating intelligence
instead of actually lied about it.  There was a recent poll, (I can't find
it on pollingreport.com now, sorry) where most people chose lied instead of
being accurate.  Given those two choices, I would have picked
lied...because he certainly wasn't accurate...so I think I'm close to the
middle there.

It might aid my understanding to see the issues on which you are more
conservative than  most Americans.  If you are in the middle, wouldn't it
be 50-50?

Dan M.

Dan M.


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