
I know that other 9/11 analyses have been posted to this list, but I came across a one-hour documentary that concludes that "it is more likely than not that the government was actually behind the attacks" on Google Video tonight, and I hope that one or more of you has a chance to see it:

With this documentary, and other documents I've seen here and elsewhere, I'm increasingly convinced that, while it is true that a small group of men brought about the events that "changed the world forever" on the day after my birthday four and a quarter years ago, they did not have last names like bin Laden and Atta and Al Suqami, but Bush and Cheney and Rove.

The words of Flight 93 Hero Todd Beamer are used to chilling effect at the end of the documentary, as the narrator calls viewers to join with Beamer in voting to stop those who have highjacked our country, whatever the cost -- "Let's Roll" to stop those who would destroy this nation in order to own it.

I can't help but think that I'm turning into a relative in my family who has always been a JFK-assassination conspiracy freak as I become more and more interested in uncovering the truth of 9/11.

But I'm not really that concerned about being that freaky relative: If a group of men with last names like Bush and Cheney and Rove in fact murdered 3000 of my fellow Americans to further their political aims, then I owe my son and his generation nothing less.



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