----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <brin-l@mccmedia.com>
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"
>>>Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game) 
>>>stabilized version of the Zapruder film.
>> URK!!!!!
>> Wrongo!!!!!
>> Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
>> I'm on some medication today and really really reading things 
>> badly.
>> xponent
>> MyBadMeaCulpa Maru
>> rob
> Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get 
> over your medication soon"?  :)
Gak! Me too!
It has been a bad last two days.
First thing at work yesterday morning I had to run up 2 flights of 
stairs on a jobsite (work is slow at the hospital so I am helping to 
build TSU's new science building) and by the time I got to our lockbox 
I couldn't breathe. I could take a deep breath, but it felt like I 
wasn't getting any oxygen *in*. I felt too weak to work.
There was no reason I could think of to be feeling undue anxiety so 
I'm thinking seriously that I was having a heart attack. After an hour 
and a half of not getting better I left work and went home. I tried to 
get a doctors appointment but couldn't get one til 4.
Breathing got a little easier at home and became tolerable enough to 
take a nap after a couple of hours.
When I finally saw the doctor he gives me a prescription for 
amoxicillin and hydoxyzine, an antibiotic for a lower respiratory 
infection and an antihistimine to also take care of a rash on my arms.
I'm going to try to get back to work tomorrow but I'm still feeling 
crappy right now.

On Drugs Maru


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