Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
At 06:21 PM Wednesday 1/4/2006, Robert Seeberger wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Julia Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:31 PM
Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"

> Robert Seeberger wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Robert Seeberger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Killer Bs Discussion" <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:23 PM
>> Subject: Re: "Let's Roll"
>>>Just stumbled on this this morning. It is an "Unreal" (the game)
>>>stabilized version of the Zapruder film.
>> URK!!!!!
>> Wrongo!!!!!
>> Its a quicktime stabilized clip.
>> I'm on some medication today and really really reading things
>> badly.
>> xponent
>> MyBadMeaCulpa Maru
>> rob
> Is that any worse than my initial inclination to say "I hope you get
> over your medication soon"?  :)
Gak! Me too!
It has been a bad last two days.
First thing at work yesterday morning I had to run up 2 flights of
stairs on a jobsite (work is slow at the hospital so I am helping to
build TSU's new science building) and by the time I got to our lockbox
I couldn't breathe. I could take a deep breath, but it felt like I
wasn't getting any oxygen *in*. I felt too weak to work.
There was no reason I could think of to be feeling undue anxiety so
I'm thinking seriously that I was having a heart attack. After an hour
and a half of not getting better I left work and went home. I tried to
get a doctors appointment but couldn't get one til 4.
Breathing got a little easier at home and became tolerable enough to
take a nap after a couple of hours.
When I finally saw the doctor he gives me a prescription for
amoxicillin and hydoxyzine, an antibiotic for a lower respiratory
infection and an antihistimine to also take care of a rash on my arms.
I'm going to try to get back to work tomorrow but I'm still feeling
crappy right now.

Hope you feel better soon.

Unfortunately, I have that problem all too often, to the point where a doctor called it "chronic bronchitis." Given that that is often the diagnosis given to long-time smokers who have developed a chronic cough as a result of the damage to their lungs, and that was certainly not the cause of mine, I have to say that I got stuck with the illness without having any of the fun getting it . . .

(At Thanksgiving of 1981, I had some sort of flu-like illness which a doctor diagnosed as "bronchitis" and prescribed antibiotics which did relieve the congestion and cough. However, the rest of the symptoms never got any better, and whenever I "overdo"—IOW, try to do even half as much as normal—the cough and congestion all come back. So I now get to enjoy having "chronic fatigue syndrome" combined with "chronic bronchitis.")

The Crud Maru

Today someone brought up (on another mailing list I'm on) symptoms of "silent reflux". They include hoarseness and chronic cough.

One of the reasons it came up was that someone just had her congestion and other unpleasant symptoms diagnosed as being due to reflux and asthma, neither of which she thought she had. (So she's going to be treating those, and hoping she starts feeling a lot better.)

Me, I just scheduled a physical for later this month, and I hope NOBODY from this household has to go to the doctor before then.


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