> Robert Seeberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't think the people on this list are all that
> misled (as compared 
> to the population in general). IMO it is "single
> issue politics" that 
> has gotten us in the situation we are in, and it
> plays on both sides. 
> This "follow the leader" game is a big mistake and I
> wish more people could see it.
> If I can forgive Clinton for lying under oath and
> for instituting 
> Extrordinary Rendition as policy, then Bush has to
> partake of some 
> similar degree of a pass if I am not to see myself
> as a partisan wonk/wank.

Lying about your wonker is far less serious in my book
than getting folks killed (I still think Bush lied,
but grant that it might be extraordinary incompetence
instead).  But "renditioning" (makes me think of
"rendering," in the animal by-product sense) as
*policy* is wrong, for the same reason that torture as
policy is wrong.  I might personally decide in
exceedingly rare (IIRC, my off-the-top figure was
0.001% of terrorist suspects) cases that torture was
justifiable -- of course, it's still morally wrong,
and I'd have to face the consequences of that decision
both under law and under the Divine.
> Isn't this pretty much the same argument people used
> to throw at JDG?  Only reversed?

<biting tongue> 

> xponent
> Emitte lucem et veritatem Maru

Gravity And Distance Change The Quality Of Light Maru 

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