At 03:29 PM Saturday 2/25/2006, Julia Thompson wrote:
Ronn!Blankenship wrote:
P.S. It's pretty well overcast tonight. Unlike the spotlight someone has going to the NE of here, my pointer will not reach far enough to put a visible spot on the clouds. It will suffice, however, to mark any branch on any tree visible from here.

How far will it get through thick fog? I mean the sort of fog that makes you wish you hand't had a meeting away from home that evening because you're crawling along at 15 mph because if you go much faster, you might not see the edge of the road before you start to go off, and you're taking the turns around 5 to make sure you don't end up in one of the deep ditches on either side of the road you're turning on to.


who had a meeting Tuesday evening and came home through some really nasty fog, and who really, really wishes the county had sprung for paint on one road in particular

I'd be interested in the answer to that question, too, but afaik we haven't had any thick fog like that since I got it, unless perhaps there was an occasion when it formed and dissipated while I was asleep and I never even looked out the window and saw it. I think there might have been a bit of light haze once or twice, but nothing you couldn't easily see through and just noticed because of the effect it had on street lights or distant trees. No fires with thick smoke, either. (Thankfully.) I'll keep it in mind and see if I can try it the next time there is a thick fog (assuming I am somewhere stationary and have the pointer handy rather than being stuck behind the wheel trying to get through it myself . . . ). And since you mentioned this, I wonder what it would look like during a moderate to heavy snowfall? Not that such seems to be in the short-range forecast: it is supposed to be in the upper 60s-low 70s the next few days. OTOH, the "blizzard of '93" occurred in mid-March, so I suppose it's not completely out of the question . . .

--Ronn!  :)

"Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country and two words have been added to the pledge of Allegiance... UNDER GOD. Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?"
   -- Red Skelton

(Someone asked me to change my .sig quote back, so I did.)


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