On 19 Apr 2006, at 12:56AM, Max Battcher wrote:

Charlie Bell wrote:
On 19/04/2006, at 12:53 AM, Deborah Harrell wrote:
  But I have
problems with the 'planned betrayal,' as this makes
Judas a stool pigeon, and God an underhanded schemer.
Indeed, it brings to mind the entire Garden bit as
another planned betrayal.
Precisely. It's yet more of why this "loving god" made less and less sense to me. There's just too much vengeance and sadism ascribed to this deity... just makes no sense. Mind you, neither does much else of it, to me. Not any more.

I personally see it as the inherent flaw in the Judeo-Christian- Muslim religions. I can't understand why people would choose to worship a deity (Yahweh/God/Allah) that punishes with the one hand and simultaneously provides and supports with the other hand. It's why I don't fault the Niceans for coming up with their (somewhat odd) Trinitarian belief: because it is an easy way out when you can claim that the left hand is truly ignorant of the doings of the right (as well as the easiest way to end a debate, by saying: hey, you are all right _at the same time_. 3=1, 1=3, God=devine human son=crazy near-pantheistic voodoo cloud). The soap opera digests that are Polytheism is just so much easier to explain/take in comparison. So what if Odin didn't always know the stupid stuff Thor and Loki were out doing?

Monotheism jumps the shark before it even gets started. God is good, but he is also evil - or is it the other way around? And as a story the Judas/Crucifixion thing makes no sort of sense of any kind. The son of god, who could beat up Superman with one hand tied behind his back, allows himself (or pretends) to be sacrificed for some obscure reason but then pops back to life again anyway. What??! Two millennia of fanwankery hasn't managed to patch up those plot holes. Elephants on the back of a giant turtle makes more sense.

William T Goodall
Web  : http://www.wtgab.demon.co.uk
Blog : http://radio.weblogs.com/0111221/

Most people have more than the average number of legs.


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