On the behalf of Mr Gibson:


Embrace the horror.  Face our fears.
There is much more empirical evidence than this recent news.  I've 
stated that only a Thermite Infestation explains the anomalies around
this structural failure.  The official story breaks down now that the
emotion of that day has allowed a calmer assessment of what occurred.
Sites are literally popping up every week displaying serious
scholarship involving labs analyzing those events and the {paltry}
debris remaining to examine.  Sure, the wing-nuts who saw black UN
helicopters abducting cattle in the 90's subscribe to notions that
holographic ghost-gun planes faked the collisions, but Professor Jones
has bravely faced the media winds spinning obfuscation around his
findings as well as the back-room sticks and carrots offered to change
his line of hard science investigation{s}.

Just consider a few glaring facts:
    Never has a steel construction building collapsed from fire...
before this day - and twice {I can't count WTC7 as third}.
    Molten steel unearthed six months after the collapse displays 
levels simple kinetic forces cannot foster.
    I-beams impaled in the high up surrounding buildings demonstrate 
outward force acting on the support structure, not a vertically
collapsing structure.
    "Squib" jets of debris and dust ejected far below the collapsing
event-wave{s} that fell at free-fall speeds can only be explained by
controlled demolition.  Engineering calculations have shaved the
possible speed for this building at essentially 1 second per floor...
yet even if we generously cut this in half this leaves  some 45 
for such a building to fall... yet watching the clips show they fell 
some 11 seconds.  The official public line is a tough one for physics
mavens to swallow.
    We honor the firemen who brave events like these, but shall we 
dismiss their testimony that the interior lobby was wrecked when they
arrived and full of wounded people claiming the basement exploded, 
many later heard successive explosive sounds heralding the collapse 
quite familiar to those who have witnessed controlled demolitions?

Was reality distorting the laws of physics that day, or was a yarn of
lies being spun before us?
Any good detective looks at a crime scene and no matter what the
presentation of initial facts appear to indicate they MUST ask, "who

OK, that's just a few things I chew over just, but the linch-pin for
what occurred that day remains World Trade Center Seven.... the
building was not hit by plane debris, yet suffered mysterious internal
fires and collapsed by the end of that dark day - when we were all in
deep shock and anger.  Shall we ignore the purpose of this building 
as a command and control center for Guilliani's FEMA prep and was also
a law enforcement and intelligence {FBI and CIA + others} operations
How's this factoid:  Silverstien built and owned this building before
bidding on those two towers.   Before purchase, he insisted the
insurance policy include a {new} terrorism pay-out clause ... that
today has reached $3+ billion dollars and may go as high as $7 
  Here's the clincher for junior detectives: Silverstien put a mere 15
million dollars down to buy those two towers.  If only I could put 
a slim percentage down on property.
This is the achilles heel of that day and what will ultimately trip up
those responsible, and implicate those who have made a point of
benefiting from these events.

If people in Power {or the flip-side, Money} are willing to dispense
wholesale death overseas for a megabucks, what's to keep such
disconnected sociopaths from inflicting casualties here at home for a
few megabucks {+ uber-power} more?!?
For further examples in our own history, I'd suggest a look at the 
"Operation Northwoods" where OUR military proposed sending airplanes
into US buildings to foment war upon Castro's Cuba.
JFK had the good sense to reject this and fired the main instigators.


- Jonathan -

911 Research
www.wtc7.net {DVD just released last night}
Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime {large movie downloads available}
The Big Wedding {interview rebroadcast just last week} via Guns and

PS - one more aside adding some flavor to the mix: why does the FBI
_NOT_ list Osama as responsible for 9-11?  Because they cannot link 
to those events... impossible as this appears to the consuming public.


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