On Jun 26, 2006, at 10:40 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:

On 6/26/06, Dan Minette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In a sense, the conspiracy theorists rely on the CSI effect. It's all so
perfect on TV, we expect it to be like that in real life.  Real
investigations of real happenings are usually much more messy....just like
real science is a lot more messy than science textbooks.

And... real, unplanned building collapses due to fire are usually (okay, always) a lot messier (in that they never neatly pancake)... Yet I remain optimistic that a reasonable explanation can be found. There's an awful lot
unexplained, IMO.

Nick, the WTC was designed in the 70s as a disposable structure. It was built with the full knowledge it would one day be imploded. ALL tall buildings constructed after the 60s or so were built with that idea in mind.

It was designed to collapse, neatly and in pancake fashion.

Bear in mind the WTC towers were not weakened at the base as with a standard structure fire, a la a tree in the forest cut down in logging. They dropped top-down, from where the devastation began. Why would you expect them to teeter and/or be much more unstable than they were designed to be?

In a terrible way, the architects' design proved faultless. The towers came down with minimal damage to nearby structures. That is good engineering.

To me what's unexplained is the apparent want to believe in a Vast Conspiracy. Or even a small one.

Warren Ockrassa, Publisher/Editor, nightwares Books
Current work in progress "The Seven-Year Mirror"


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